Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Popcorn. Popcorn. Popcorn.

Every night it's the same thing from my husband....7:56pm..."Want some wop, wop?"  Yep, we're dorks.  We have nicknames for just about everything.  "Wop, Wop" is our nickname for popcorn, and he is fully addicted to "Wop, Wop"!  His mom tells me it comes from his dad's love of popcorn.  I'm told that when Charlie (my hubby) was little, he'd sneak downstairs, after he'd been put to bed, and sit behind the couch so his dad could throw him kernels of popcorn behind the couch without his mom knowing.   Thank goodness he no longer needs to sit behind the couch to get his daily kernel intake, and DAILY is no exaggeration!  If I don't keep it in the house, the House-house will have a full blown meltdown!   And, while I love popcorn, I'm not sure it's an every-24-hour-need like it is for Charlie.  The problem is, if I don't say "yes" to that nightly question, the wind get's knocked out of his sails and he decides that he'd rather not eat a whole bag on his own.....and then let the pouting begin!   Haha!  So, I usually say "YES!" and eat that darn popcorn with a smile---insert smiley face here :).

Lately though, 8 years in, almost 3,000 bowls of popcorn later, I'm so BORED with the same old, same old!  We eat a lightly salted natural popcorn which is really good-  Orville Redenbacher's "Natural, Lightly Salted"  Popcorn.  It's delicious, but the other night I thought "what could I do to dress this up???  I'm bored!"  So, I sprinkled a little garlic powder on the popcorn and it was SOOOO good.  I went a little heavy on the seasoning, and the next time I tried it I lightened it up a bit, and it was delish!  Really changed things up, which was a great cure for the popcorn blues!

So, I started researching and coming up with a few other recipes or solutions for ways to jazz up your popcorn!  I hope you'll try the recipes the next time you pop up a bag of "Wop, Wop"!  I've been experimenting in the kitchen all week and here are my faves.......

Super Easy Garlic Powder Popcorn
  • Sprinkle 1 tablespoon of Garlic Powder over 1 bag of microwave popcorn or 3 cups of air popped.  (I originally had 2 tablespoons and it was way too much for me, but feel free to experiment).

Tastes Like Kettle Corn If I Do Say So Myself....
  • Melt 2 tablespoons of butter in the microwave and add 1 tablespoon of confectioners sugar to the butter and mix till blended.
  • Add 1 bag of microwave (lightly salted) popcorn into large bowl and slowly toss in mixture till popcorn is covered with sticky, sugary butter :)

Parmesan Popcorn
  • Sprinkle 1/2 a cup of FRESHLY grated Parmesan over 1 bag of microwave popcorn or 3 cups of air popped. 

Nutella Popcorn
  • Drizzle 2 tablespoons of warmed Nutella over 3 cups of air popped or 1 bag of microwave popcorn.  Let sit for a few minutes before eating. 

Hope you'll try these quick and easy ways to "spice" up your popcorn!  YUMMMMMMY! 


JRogers said...

The women in my office have been crazy about popcorn lately. Everyday around 3pm I smell the "smell." I'm excited to share these ideas with them.

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